Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Some people call it "creepy"... I call it being "proactive". You can't just sit back, put in zero effort, and expect to have an interesting "love life". You have to put forth some initiative if you're going to quench your bodies thirst for affection. When you put forth this effort you will get different reactions to your new outgoing persona: Some will react negatively and some will welcome you with open arms. The rest will simply sit back and hate from a distance, commenting quietly on how "creepy" you are. If you can't beat em' join em'. Embrace your creepiness. Initiate conversation with that model that has your attention. Approach that beautiful girl surrounded by bitchy friends. Be confident. Be bold. Be Creepy. Sure, sometimes it backfires and things get awkward for a minute, but so be it. As Mark Twain once said, "In 20 years you will be more disappointed by what you DIDN'T do than by what you DID." You can't argue with a legend like Mark, so GET CREEPY!

This CREEPY MIX is coming to you in the form of some filthy ELECTRO! I'm gonna start it off with 2 amazing tracks from someone who is very new to me- TEMABES. The two songs are called- "Love Me" and "Move Around". And then to end this mix is some Electro from Italy. It's a OLIVER remix of a song called "Dominoes". Enjoi.

(simply click the songs below and you will be sent to MEDIA FIRE to download in one click- easy and virus free)

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