Tuesday, December 14, 2010


While we have been slowly unveiling our "vision" of xTHEDIRTYHYPEx we have all been awaiting the time we could introduce our Action Sports "side" to you. I feel that extreme sports, music, and art all directly intertwine and form what I spend all my time and energy on. We have traveled the world and seen some pretty crazy things.... And I have always been the one in charge of filming all of this madness, and for that reason we are all VERY lucky. 

This video is a compilation of our adventures around the planet earth. It features some of our xTDHx Team Riders as well as some of the top names in the action sports world. Starring: Kelly Slater, Ryan Sheckler, Chris Ward, CJ Hobgood, Tony Panici, Max McIlwee, Shon Miller and many many more. Parties, Girls, and Shredding... plain and simple. Don't look away- THIS VIDEO IS 5 MINUTES OF BANGERS. PS- Dubstep track from the video is Dragonette- Volcano (ZEDS DEAD remix)

(simply click the song below and you will be sent to MEDIA FIRE to download in one click- easy and virus free)

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